Billy Sampson
Birthday 02-23-1967
Billy Sampson was born on February 23, 1967, into a devout Christian family that emphasized faithful church attendance as an essential part of spiritual maturity. At age twelve, in 1979, Billy committed to Christianity by trusting Christ as his Savior. He discovered his passion for music at thirteen and honed his skills while being an active member of Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Chicago, Illinois. Billy met Jane in March 1986, and the couple wed on October 3, 1987. He accepted his call to preach on January
19, 1997, and has since taken on various roles within the church, including Assistant Pastor, Youth Pastor, and Music Director. Currently, Billy serves as a Missionary Evangelist. Additionally, Billy is the Vice President of The Gospel Preachers Association and oversees field operations for the organization. He has been a faithful member of the “GPA” since October 2001. His interests include music, recording,
home projects, and golf.