
Personal Contact

Billy Sampson

PO Box 2129

Hammond, IN 46323-2129


Home Church Contact

The Sonrise Baptist Church

Pastor Clemon Chappell Jr.

116 E. 29th Ave.

Lake Station, IN 46405


Mission Agency Contact

The Gospel Preachers Association

GPA Missions

PO Box 520

Oxford, PA 19363


Testimonies from Minsitries We’ve Served

I can not say enough about The Sampsons and what they have meant to me, my family, and our church. Bro. Billy and family are just one of those groups or families that our people have fallen in love with here at Unity. We enjoy their talent, which is obvious, but mare importantly we appreciate their love for the Lord. They off love and self-sacrificing service to others. You just can't beat the Sampsons.
Dr. Ronnie Barefield supports Billy Sampson
Dr. Ronnie Barefield
Unity Baptist Church
Missionary Billy Sampson's ministries have profoundly influenced Parkway Baptist's missions journey, showcasing unparalleled servant leadership to advance the Gospel.
David Sampson supports Billy Sampson
Dr. David Sampson
Parkway Baptist Church Fort Olgethrope, Georgia

Book a Meeting with the Sampsons

The Sampsons at First Baptist Hammond